Here to bring life, hope, and healing to a hurt and dying world. Encouraging one another to be the best versions of ourselves for Christ.

In a world full of hate and despair, the love of God and our hope in Jesus Christ is needed now more than ever.


Our mission is to bring the light of the Gospel to our community, our homes, our workplaces, and the world.

Changing the world is possible.

It starts here with our relationships, our families, our homes, and our community. At Church of the Harvest we are firm believers that everyone has a part to play in the Gospel. We are here to encourage one another and build each other up so we can be the men and women God has made us to be.


Ready to take the next step?

As a church family, we want you on our team. Alone we can do a little, but together we can do great and wonderful things! Please consider volunteering or giving towards the Gospel with us.


“So what does God need from us? He needs your faith, and then He needs your corresponding action.”

— Pastor Stewart Martin

Let us reap a harvest of all that God has for us, as we take His Word to all who may hear it.


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